6 questions you can ask at the end of a behavioral interview — and stand out in the process

Lead with curiosity, and the rest will follow

Aleenah Ansari
2 min readMar 23, 2022


I’ve worked with dozens of folks who are interviewing for roles in tech and beyond, and I’ve gone through a number of behavioral interviews myself. Here are my go-to questions to ask at the end of a behavioral interview that’ll help you assess the company’s culture and how you’ll fit into the new role:

How do you measure success in this role? This will help you understand what they’re looking for in an impactful employee, and the key performance indicators (KPIs) that are used to measure success, which may be quantitative, qualitative or a combination.

What is the company’s stance on remote and/or hybrid work? This question can help you identify the company’s flexibility to working remotely or working from other places.

What programs are in place to support < early-in-career talent, diversity and inclusion, writers in tech, new moms, etc.>? This is a great way to get a sense of the company culture, events, and employee resource groups can support your day-to-day work.

What brought you to the company, and what has made you stay? I often ask this question to learn more about the interviewer’s own story, and why…



Aleenah Ansari
Aleenah Ansari

Written by Aleenah Ansari

I write about representation in media, travel, & storytelling 🌈 | lifting as I climb | marketer at Microsoft & freelance speaker | www.aleenahansari.com

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